Mia Fenton

Mia Fenton

Office Dog
Mia is our friendly office dog and is a 3 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. She may not be winning any fetch awards but will definitely win over your heart. Mia can be found either sitting in front of the office door, in the sun, watching the world go by or curled up on a chair, popping her head up when anyone comes in. Mia likes it when the little children tap the window and will wag her tail rapidly while making silly noises. Mia enjoys her daily beach walks and also likes to chase a paper ball across the office floor. Pop in and say hello, but be warned, she will roll onto your feet, legs in the air and expect a belly rub. Mia

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Tenant Info for Barry branch

Barry Branch - NAEA Propertymark Qualified

Address : 24 High Street Barry CF62 7EA

Phone : 01446 700007

E-mail : barry@chris-davies.co.uk

Out of hours urgent sales matters text or call Claire on 07847 888730 or by email to claire@chris-davies.co.uk